Make God’s Promises Your Own

By which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.

– 2 Peter 1:4


The Bible is jammed full of promises that God wants you to know about because of the strength and encouragement they will give you to keep walking by faith. But you’ve gotta do more than just read a promise to benefit from it truth. Here’s three practical ways to make a promise your own:

#1 You’ve got to see it. Put the verse under a microscope. Part of “seeing” it is understanding the promise. Some promises in God’s Word are unique to particular situations. For example, God made some promises to Samson that aren’t coming to you. So you have to ask yourself is this promise unique or is it universal? Ask the Lord to show you, “Is this promise for me?”

One way you can know is if God makes the same promise in other places in Scripture. Take hold of the promises that God has universally promised to His children in all generations at all times. Ask God to open your eyes to the truth of it.

#2 You have to savor it. If you want to experience God’s promises for yourself, you’ve got to treasure them in your heart. You’ve got to think about them over and over in your mind.

Here’s something that helps me, especially in my prayer life. You’ve got to picture the promise as already accomplished. Thank God in faith that it is already happening. Even though it’s not visual to me, God, by faith I believe Your Word. I believe that You are work today bringing this about.

#3 You’ve got to share it. God’s promises will become real to you as you tell other people about them. Confess the Word of God with your mouth, like Romans 10:9 says. There’s power in speaking the Word out.

Get your heart around some of the exceedingly great and precious promises of God! Hold on to what God has said in His Word. Someday you’re going to be in a difficult situation and the enemy will try to pull you down, but you’ve got God’s Word hidden in your heart. His words will flood you with courage and fill your life with faith.

© 2008 Walk in the Word.

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