John Calvin – The Word Became Flesh

[Commenting on John 1:14: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth]

Flesh. This word expresses his meaning more forcibly than if the evangelist had said that Christ was made man. He wanted to show to what a low and abject state the Son of God descended from the height of his heavenly glory, for our sake. When Scripture speaks of man derogatorily it calls him “flesh.” How great is the distance between the spiritual glory of the Word of God and the stinking filth of our flesh! Yet the Son of God stooped so low that he took on himself that flesh which is subject to so many miseries… The Word born of God before all ages, and always dwelling with the Father, became man.

~John Calvin~

John (Wheaton, IL; Crossway Books; 1994) Commentary on John 1:14.

On this day...

  1. December 27, 2011

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